Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Employees see work laptops as personal property

I think this is a fair reflection of how we see our work laptops and mobile phones. If you are providing laptops and phones and not providing real-world guidelines and activating system controls, you are putting you data at risk. If you need help finding a balance contact us.

Work laptops and mobile phones are increasingly being treated as personal property outside the office, potentially exposing businesses to security threats.

A survey by Vodafone found that nearly half of business people use their work laptop to access the internet outside the office, whilst a similar number considered their work issued laptops or mobile devices as their own property whilst away from the office. more...

Lawyer-client privilege can't stop surveillance, says House of Lords

The UK's highest court ruled that spy law the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) allows lawyers' conversations to be bugged. This is a very significant ruling for all in the legal profession and anyone involved in a legal dispute. 

If you are in the legal profession or involved in litigation contact us now for advice and services to help maintain your privacy. It is worth remembering that it is not just the government that uses covert surveillance during litigation.

The state is allowed to bug communication between lawyers and their clients, the House of Lords has said. more...

Should we be worried about Google Street View?

An interesting take on Google Street view and our civil liberties.

Simon Brew offers his personal take on the launch of Google Street View. And he’s a worried man. more...

Visa chief risk officer says that the recession is creating more identity criminals

Unfortunately we know that when things get tough there is an increase in crime. Anything that will provide an advantage is more likely to happen.  Corporate espionage, identity theft and general theft will all increase. Look out for the signs and do not become a victim.

The dire world economy is one of the biggest threats to payment security, according to the chief enterprise risk officer for Visa. 

Ellen Richey said at the Visa Security Summit in Washington, DC that it was common sense that a poor economy and bleak job market would increase the desperation and creativity of would-be data thieves. more...