is a new website that encourages the sharing of random memory cards.
Whilst this may provide a fantastic variation of images and input it presents a very significant security problem.
'Seeding' memory devices (including memory cards and USB keys) is a classic way to covertly install spyware such a keylogging software. It is now a common practice by the criminal fraternity (or unscrupulous Private Detectives) to leave 'seeded' usb keys in your target companies favorite Starbucks. People will often take a found memory key and plug it into their computer 'to have a little look around'. when you put the 'seeded' USB key in you may find something like a PowerPoint presentation called 'honeymoon pics, open in private, i love u'. If you open it you will see some apparently private and intimate pictures. Unfortunately at the same time keylogger software will be installed on your machine recording and reporting back everything you ever type.
If you think this is the realms of super-criminals you should be aware that these kind of programs are readily available for about £50.00.