Monday, 1 June 2009

Watch out for the Men in Black - just like the films, only real.

Unsuspecting workers on a construction development in Washington got quite a response when they accidental cut through a fiber-optic cable.

Within moments 3 SUV's (black of course) pulled up and 6 men in suits jumped out. "You just hit our line". Whose line was never quite revealed but one could probably assume it was a 'black line' (private, unlisted, secure) belonging to the FBI/CIA/NSA (delete as applicable).

Hollywood would be proud.

65,000 employee records compromised

A job application website page may have exposed 65,000 current and former employee information at Aetna (one of the largest health-care benefit companies in the US).

Once again the breach appears to be with a third-party partner. It is essential that you specify, educate and enforce security policy with third parties as clearly as you do with your own systems. 

If you have data with third-parties and need help contact FaberBrent.