Sunday, 24 May 2009

UK to go live with full network of cctv vehicle tracking via APNR

It has been coming for a long time but it now looks like we are about to go live with possibly the most aggressive general intelligence gathering tool in the western world.

Many of us have noticed the ever increasing number of matt-black banks of cctv cameras appearing at road junctions. These are all part of the APNR (Automatic Number-Plate Recognition) system. These combined with existing local authority cctv networks make up a formidable array of cameras. 

The software allows the tracking of all vehicle number-plate movements. It is a tremendous tool for addressing general automotive crime but there are some very considerable questions unanswered. There have been no published guidelines as to the who, what and where's regarding accessing the data. The second big question is what this means in court. Does it follow the 'speed-camera' model of definitive evidence, where you are guilty unless you can prove your innocence?