Tuesday, 14 July 2009

UAE BlackBerry update full of Spyware!

The Etisalat network in the United Arab Emirates have pushed out a BlackBerry update that aparrently contains spyware that can intercept emails and messages.

Apart from the obovious concerns it make us wonder what happens if you are just visiting (and roaming) and then return to your home country. Will the UAE continue to get sent all your info?

RIM - are you going to comment?

IronKey USB Drives - the best just got better

If you care about the security of your mobile data we have yet to find a better solution that IronKey. These are the only USB drives we use and the only ones we recommend and we are not alone, take a look at this review.

Not wanting to sound like an advert but if your data is worth more that $100 get one.... or several, they have enterprise level software control.

SMS TXT message phishing - next big scam, you need to know about this.

You receive a text like this....

"This is a secure message from Abbey National. There has been some unusual activity on your account, please call our security team on 0845 123456"

You call the number and hear "Thank you for calling Abbey National, this call may be recorded for security and training purposes. We need to perform some security checks, please enter your card number followed by the hash key, please enter the 3 digit number on the back of your card followed by the hash key, please say your 'security' password......."

I think you get the idea.

The best way to protect yourself is to keep the real service numbers for your various accounts pre-programmed in your phone memory so if you receive a text you can call up the genuine security centre and validate (or not) the text.

New threat claimed, Keylogging via mains voltage emissions.

Two security consultants have claimed that they have developed a system for monitoring the variance in mains ground current to monitor keyboard strokes.

They say they can do this on a mains socket up to 15 meters away from the target computer for a hardware cost of $500. They are planning to demonstrate the device at the BlackHat 2009 conference at the end of July. We will report back on the results.

Shocking drive-by reading of RFID tags on passports, drivers licences, credit cards and more...

Clear and scary demos of how easy it is to read various RFID chip based devices in peoples pockets while driving or walking down the road.

This has very serious implications for cloning pass-cards (to gain entry to buildings) and tracking/identifying people on the move.

drive-by video here...
cloning video here...
electronic pick-pocketing here...

SpyPhone Software released for iphone 3GS

If you do not already know about SpyPhone software you need to take a look at our guide.

This software converts you mobile into a surveillance device and is designed to be invisible on the victims phone.

The latest phone to be effected is the iphone 3GS.

To protect your iphone go to settings/restrictions/installing apps and switch off. You do, of course, have your pass-code lock on.

If you are concerned you may already be infected back up your personal data (not apps) and perform a factory reset.

SpyPhone software guide here...

Connectivity, the controversial mobile directory, is down but not out....apparently

The much debated 'Connectivity' mobile phone directory has been down pretty much since its launch.

A barrage of complaints about the opt-out only nature of their data (and a barrage of requests to de-list numbers) appear to have had an effect. Of course (and according too the company) this is nothing more that early technical problems and all will be well soon, we shall see.

We suspect this service will succeed or fail based on public opinion on what is (in any real-world translation) an opt-out system, at the moment it is not looking good.