Monday, 18 May 2009

Controversial children's database ContactPoint launches today

The government today launched ContactPoint, the much debated and delayed database of children's information.

The idea of the database is to allow all agencies involved in children's welfare to share information. There has been a very mixed reception to the database from child welfare bodies and charities.

Our fear is with the current track record of major government IT projects it is only a matter of time before the first breach/failure of the system, lets hope we are proved wrong.

MoD loses 32 computers and 20 USB memory sticks so far in 2009!

Some pretty shocking numbers that seem to have got very little press.

In the first 131 days of 2009, 4 desktop and 28 laptop pc's are missing from the MoD. Additionally 20 USB devices are missing. No mention is made regarding data but one could probably assume that at least some of these 52 devices contained sensitive information.