Wednesday, 1 July 2009

UK ID cards to be optional for UK Nationals - govt U turn

So the next chapter in this farce unfolds. The new Home Secretary effectively destroyed the long lauded Labour plan for compulsory ID cards for all UK citizens.

Many (ourselves included) have opposed the scheme from the start but there are other issues here:
How much has this scheme cost so far?
How many SME's have geared up to bid and put forward products and now face financial difficulties?

The biggest single point of failure with laptop security - people

In another survey once again the common failings of laptop security revolve around users, not hardware.

A few numbers to get you thinking:
50% of business managers switch off encryption
12, 000 business laptops are left at Airports in the US every week
67% of left laptops are never reclaimed

For security to be successful a holistic approach, combined with staff training and buy-in are essential.

Russians accused of corporate espionage in Germany

Germany's counter-intelligence chief has openly accused the Russian intelligence services of corporate espionage, stealing commercial information to give Russian commerce an edge.

We see more and more state sponsored corporate espionage. If you are dealing with international bids or develop original ideas (hardware and software) contact FaberBrent for advice.