Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Medical details hacked and held for $10 million ransom

In a shocking (but inevitable) development of cybercrime, a criminal group have claimed that they have stolen and encrypted 8.3 million patient records from the Virginia government.

Whilst this claim remains unsubstantiated at the moment (including claims they have stolen their back-up data) there is no doubt that this type of crime will increase.

1,258,862 email addresses; 1,235,122 windows passwords; 8,300 banking login's...this is what the Torpig botnet achieved in 10 days

The University of California took control of a well known botnet for 10 days with some shocking results.

They were monitoring over 180,000 hacked computers and this gave a facinating and very worrying insight into the data that the criminals have access to.

Yet another call for mobile data encryption

Computing magazine have written a full article calling for the encryption of all public mobile data storage.

Could this be the beginning of our ENCRYPT ALL PORTABLE DATA NOW campaign?

Lack of security awareness and training is the cause of most data breaches

At Infosec 2009 John Colley (managing director of ICS2) confirmed what we have been saying for a long time; the biggest risk to information security is people, not systems and the most effective thing you can do to minimise this risk is to educate.

Sounds like he has been reading our recent article on Security International.