The recordings appear to suggest that a $3 million bribe for environmental clean-up was obtained (or trying to be obtained) and the damages had been pre-decided.
What is a real eye-opener is the cheapness and effectiveness of the mass-produced 'spy cameras' used in this incident. Two main types were used; the 'spy pen' (here on Amazon UK from £14.99 and Ebay from £15.49) and the 'spy watch' (here on Amazon UK from £29.99 and Ebay from £23.49). These kind of devices are now being produced in the millions per year (predominately in China) and most can happily record 2 hours of audio and video.
If you are concerned about your privacy (or where the millions of covert video recorders are) contact a counter-surveillance specialist (like FaberBrent) to help mitigate this ever growing risk.
Chevron have published the actual videos and full transcripts here...
New York times article here...