Sunday, 29 March 2009

Spy chiefs fear Chinese cyber attack

Anyone see a pattern emerging here?

INTELLIGENCE chiefs have warned that China may have gained the capability to shut down Britain by crippling its telecoms and utilities.

They have told ministers of their fears that equipment installed by Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant, in BT’s new communications network could be used to halt critical services such as power, food and water supplies. more...

Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries

TORONTO — A vast electronic spying operation has infiltrated computers and has stolen documents from hundreds of government and private offices around the world, including those of the Dalai Lama, Canadian researchers have concluded.

In a report to be issued this weekend, the researchers said that the system was being controlled from computers based almost exclusively in China, but that they could not say conclusively that the Chinese government was involved. more...

The House of Commons IT systems has reportedly been infected by the infamous Conficker superworm

Several problems here:
One - Why is there not sufficient procedures, policy and systems in place to prevent this kind of virus?
Two  - Why is there not sufficient procedures, policy and systems in place to prevent this kind of report being leaked?
Three - Why are you allowed to connect an MP3 player to the House of Commons IT system? 

The House of Commons IT systems has reportedly been infected by the infamous Conficker superworm, which has previously infected millions of Windows PCs and affected the operation of hospitals, military and large corporate systems.

Political blog Dizzy Thinks first reported that a memo (below) sent out to parliamentary IT network users on Tuesday night warned that Conficker had disrupted the operation of parliamentary systems.

The infection has reportedly prompted a clean-up operation as well as a temporary ban on the use of mass storage devices, including MP3 players, on parliamentary systems. more...

UK Police Identify 200 Children As Potential Terrorists

Parents - please love your children.....

Two hundred schoolchildren in Britain, some as young as 13, have been identified as potential terrorists by a police scheme that aims to spot youngsters who are “vulnerable” to Islamic radicalisation.

The number was revealed to The Independent by Sir Norman Bettison, the chief constable of West Yorkshire Police and Britain’s most senior officer in charge of terror prevention. more...