Thursday, 26 March 2009

Canadian cops cry for BlackBerry wiretap

So this story demonstrates the dichotomy of information security. Blackberry's are (on the whole) pretty secure so this is a problem for the security services.

It has recently dawned on Canadian officials that communications sent with the BlackBerry are among the hardest mobile messages to eavesdrop on. But rather than congratulate the Waterloo, Ontario-based Research in Motion on a job well done, they're calling for laws that would force service providers to use only technology that can be tapped. more...

1 comment:

  1. Just what we all need, "LESS SECURITY"! I do not own a BlackBerry but Iworked closely with them and user's of this amazing device. RIM has done an amazing job making this among the harest devices to "jack", but let's be fair here, while it is harder to "jack" them, it is NOT impossible! Just because it's harder to phreak, that DOES NOT mean that RIM should have to reduce their security on them, that's the object of the security!
